sábado. 20.04.2024

Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry, parents of a girl

The birth of little Daisy Dove Bloom, daughter of the singer and actor, has been announced on social networks

Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom, you're dads now! The couple's first child was born early Thursday morning. Everything has gone well. Both the singer and the little one, named Daisy Dove, are in perfect condition.

With a black and white photo in which we can see the hands of Katy and Orlando holding the tiny hand of their newborn daughter, Unicef, of whom the singer and the actor are Goodwill Ambassadors, she shared this great news.

The singer and performer quickly refueled their respective Instagram accounts - with the following text: "Welcome to the world, Daisy Dove Bloom! We are honored to introduce you to the new bundle of joy from Goodwill Ambassadors @KatyPerry and @OrlandoBloom.

"Many newborn lives are at risk"

The protagonist of "Pirates of the Caribbean", Orlando Bloom, and the singer Katy Perry, have confessed to the United Nations Children's Organization that "we are floating with love and wonder at the safe and healthy arrival of our daughter.

"But we know that we are the lucky ones and not everyone can have such a peaceful birth experience as ours. Communities around the world continue to experience a shortage of health workers. Every eleven seconds a pregnant woman or newborn dies, mostly from preventable causes".

"Since COVID-19, many more newborn lives are at risk due to increased lack of access to water; soap; vaccines; and disease-preventing drugs", said Orlando bloom.

"As parents of a newborn, this breaks our hearts, as we empathize with parents who are struggling now more than ever. As Goodwill Ambassadors for UNICEF, we know that UNICEF is there. On the ground, doing everything necessary to ensure that every pregnant woman has access to a trained health worker and access to quality health care".

In this regard, demonstrating how supportive they are, Katy and Orlando have made a beautiful gesture: "To celebrate the heart that we know our daughter already has, we have created a donation page to celebrate the arrival of DDB. By supporting them, you are supporting a safe start in life and reinventing a healthier world for every child. We hope her heart will blossom with generosity".

Orlando Bloom and Katy Perry, parents of a girl